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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-10-21 16:26:47    浏览次数:0
  甲醛是一种非常刺激和有害的气体。 如果人体长时间在甲醛污染的环境中生活,它会慢慢出现明显的不适感,例如恶心,咳嗽,眼睛发痒,皮肤过敏等。 因此,我建议那些和我住在一起的人应该多加注意,避免甲醛中毒引起的严重疾病。
  Formaldehyde is a very irritating and harmful gas. If the human body lives in formaldehyde polluted environment for a long time, it will gradually appear obvious discomfort, such as nausea, cough, itchy eyes, skin allergy, etc. Therefore, I suggest that those who live with me should pay more attention to avoid the serious diseases caused by formaldehyde poisoning.
  在本文中,我专门整理了一些自己的文章中除去甲醛的方法。 在室内环境的谣言传出后,我也了解到他们全都错了,特别列出了它们,目的是提醒大家,以免绕开像我这样的甲醛方法。
  In this article, I specially sorted out some methods of formaldehyde removal in my own articles. After the rumor of indoor environmental experts came out, I also learned that they were all wrong, especially listed them, in order to remind everyone, so as not to bypass the formaldehyde treatment like me.
  “土壤方法” 1:蜡烛燃烧。
  "Soil method" 1: candle burning.
  该补救措施的来源必须是燃烧后可以将甲醛转化为其他物质,以达到去除甲醛的目的。 但是,蜡烛燃烧需要条件。 当它们燃烧时,它们需要大量的氧气,同时又释放出一氧化碳和炭黑。 这些污染物比甲醛危害更大。
  The source of this remedial measure must be that formaldehyde can be converted into other substances after combustion to achieve the purpose of formaldehyde removal. However, candle burning requires conditions. When they burn, they need a lot of oxygen, and at the same time they release carbon monoxide and carbon black. These pollutants are more harmful than formaldehyde.
  “土壤方法” 2:更多的灯泡。
  Soil method 2: more light bulbs.
  多点灯泡的目的是利用它们散发的热量,使隐藏在家具等装饰材料中的甲醛释放得更快。 但是灯泡的温度根本不会升高太多,因此许多点都不起任何作用。
  The purpose of multi-point light bulbs is to make use of the heat they emit, so that the formaldehyde hidden in decorative materials such as furniture can be released faster. But the temperature of the bulb doesn't rise much at all, so many points don't work at all.
  “土法” 3:多放些茶。
  "Local law" 3: put more tea.
  茶内有一些大大小小的毛孔,可以起到吸附的作用。 然而,这些孔的尺寸与甲醛相似,但是对甲醛的吸附影响很小,因此使用时基本上不能吸附甲醛。
  There are some big and small pores in the tea, which can play the role of adsorption. However, the size of these pores is similar to that of formaldehyde, but the adsorption effect on formaldehyde is very small, so formaldehyde can not be adsorbed basically in use.
  According to the experts of indoor environment, "formaldehyde buster" with obvious effect is as follows:
  Formaldehyde 1: enhance ventilation.
  当甲醛从各种室内装饰材料中释放出来时,更通风是直接的处理方法。 但是,由于风的大小不确定,因此无法预测通风效果。 因此,建议在打开窗户时多安装一些风扇,以便更快地排出甲醛。 但是,在下雨天无法打开窗户时,甲醛会再次积累超过标准,因此建议您选择几种不同的方法去除甲醛。
  When formaldehyde is released from various interior decoration materials, ventilation is the most direct treatment method. However, due to the uncertain size of the wind, it is impossible to predict the ventilation effect. Therefore, it is recommended to install more fans when opening windows, so as to discharge formaldehyde faster. However, when the window cannot be opened in rainy days, formaldehyde will accumulate again beyond the standard, so it is recommended that you choose several different methods to remove formaldehyde.
  Formaldehyde 2: activated carbon.
  活性炭是一种非常常见的除甲醛材料,主要是竹炭,木炭和壳炭。 它们都吸附甲醛,但不能分解甲醛。 为了避免甲醛填充孔后溢出,会造成二次污染。 建议您每个月左右使用时进行更改。
  Activated carbon is a very common formaldehyde removal material, mainly bamboo charcoal, charcoal and shell charcoal. They all absorb formaldehyde, but they can't decompose it. In order to avoid the overflow of formaldehyde filled hole, it will cause secondary pollution. It is recommended that you make changes when using it every month or so.
  Formaldehyde 3: ooze stone.
  罗亭石是近年来非常主流的除甲醛材料。 它由黑色和白色的小颗粒组成。 它具有与甲醛相同的孔径,因此被高度吸附。 此外,它具有分解甲醛的能力,可以将吸附在毛孔中的甲醛分解为无害物质并排出毛孔。 因此,它可以完全纯化甲醛,没有完全吸附的问题,有效期超过3年。
  Rosin stone is a very mainstream formaldehyde removal material in recent years. It consists of small particles of black and white. It has the same pore size as formaldehyde, so it is highly adsorbed. In addition, it has the ability to decompose formaldehyde, which can decompose the formaldehyde adsorbed in the pores into harmless substances and discharge the pores. Therefore, it can completely purify formaldehyde without complete adsorption problem, and its validity period is more than 3 years.
  Formaldehyde 4: green plant.
  一些绿色植物例如鼠尾草,绿色萝卜,虎皮牡丹等对甲醛具有降解作用。 但是,这些植物的降解能力有限,只能去除很少的甲醛,因此只能用作辅助方法。
  Some green plants, such as sage, green radish, Hupi peony and so on, can degrade formaldehyde. However, the degradation capacity of these plants is limited and only a small amount of formaldehyde can be removed, so they can only be used as auxiliary methods.