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装修污染治理的误区 要正确处理装修污染
来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-08-21 19:23:53    浏览次数:0
After the house is decorated, you can't move in immediately, because some materials will produce some gas pollution in the process of decoration. The harmful gases include formaldehyde, ammonia, TVOC, benzene, toluene, xylene, etc. Many people will finish the decoration of the house pollution treatment, but there are also many people on the decoration pollution control has some misunderstanding, what are the misunderstanding? Below with the small make up to have a look!
1. 装修污染治理的误区:食醋熏蒸,很多人在房屋装修后会用熏蒸食醋法去除装修后的异味,但是,食醋属于酸性物质,它会中和空气中的氨气,但是不会和甲醛等其它有害气体发生反应。
1. Misunderstanding of decoration pollution control: vinegar fumigation, many people will use fumigation vinegar method to remove the odor after decoration, but vinegar belongs to acidic substances, it will neutralize ammonia in the air, but it will not react with formaldehyde and other harmful gases.
2. 装修污染治理的误区:放置菠萝,有些人在房屋装修后会在每个房间放一些菠萝,菠萝会挥发一些香气,可以掩盖一些气味,但是并不能分解有害物质,虽然感官上闻不到难闻的气味了,但是有害气体还是存在的。
2. Misconceptions of decoration pollution control: put pineapple, some people will put some pineapple in each room after the decoration of the house, pineapple will volatilize some aroma, can cover up some smell, but can't decompose and remove harmful substances, although the smell can't be smelled on the sense organ, the harmful gas still exists.
3. 装修污染治理的误区:过分依赖植物,有些观赏性的植物确实可以吸收一些有毒气体,如:铁树、仙人掌、芦荟、菊花等都可以吸收一些甲醛,铁树、常春藤、菊花这3种花卉,可以吸收一些苯。但是,这些植物所起的作用也是比较有限的,而装修完的房屋里有着密集的有害物质,光靠这些微弱的吸收是难以的。而且这些植物被大量的有害气体污染后会枯萎。
3. Misunderstanding of decoration pollution control: over reliance on plants, some ornamental plants can indeed absorb some toxic gases, such as: Iron tree, cactus, aloe, chrysanthemum and so on can absorb some formaldehyde, while iron tree, ivy and chrysanthemum can absorb some benzene. However, the role of these plants is also relatively limited, and the decorated houses have dense harmful substances, it is difficult to remove by these weak absorption. These gases will be polluted by a lot of harmful gases.

4. 装修污染治理的误区:放置茶叶根,有些人会在装修完的房屋床底和一些衣柜里放置一些干茶叶根,希望可以有毒气体。但是干茶叶根是不会分解和吸收任何的有害气体的。
4. The misunderstanding of decoration pollution control: place tea root, some people will put some dry tea root in the finished House Bed and some wardrobe, hoping to remove toxic gas. But the dry tea root will not decompose and absorb any harmful gases.
5. 装修污染治理的误区:臭氧发生器,臭氧虽然可以、,但它也会对人体健康造成危害,所以臭氧只能在人不接触的环境里进行。
5. Misunderstanding of decoration pollution control: ozone generator, although ozone can be disinfected and sterilized, it will also cause harm to human health, so ozone disinfection can only be carried out in the environment where people do not contact.
6. 装修污染治理的误区:过分迷信建材,有些人认为购买的是建材,所以室内不存在有害气体。可是,很多建材企业的生产水平根本无法达到标准,而某些标准也只能勉强过得去。这些建材产品的有害气体只是低于一定的标准,并不是不含有有害气体。再加上居室结构、装修的设计、通风状况等因素,使有害气体叠加,这样更不能保障其室内装修污染能否达标。
6. Misunderstanding of decoration pollution control: superstition on environmental protection building materials, some people think that what they buy is environmental protection building materials, so there is no harmful gas in the room. However, the production level of many building materials enterprises can not reach the national environmental protection standards, and some standards can only barely pass. The harmful gas of these environmental protection building materials is only lower than a certain standard, not without harmful gas. In addition, the indoor structure, decoration design, ventilation conditions and other factors make the harmful gas superimposed, which can not guarantee whether the indoor decoration pollution can reach the standard.
There are many sources of decoration pollution, such as particleboard, plywood, wood flooring, wallpaper, foam filler, paint and paint. Inhaling too much harmful gas produced by these building materials and furniture can lead to headache, dizziness, chest tightness, nausea and other problems, and even life-threatening. Therefore, we should understand the misunderstanding of decoration pollution control and correctly handle decoration pollution.