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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-09-25 10:41:54    浏览次数:0
  After decoration, a large amount of formaldehyde will remain in the room, which will cause serious harm to family health and pregnant women. Therefore, we need to remove formaldehyde indoors. What harm does formaldehyde do to pregnant women? The harm of formaldehyde to pregnant women is multifaceted. Here is a description for you.
  Indoor formaldehyde stimulates pregnant women
  If pregnant women live with formaldehyde in the room for a long time, this will lead to discomfort in all aspects of the body of pregnant women, will also have a great impact on the development of abdominal fetuses, in serious cases will lead to the risk of fetal malformation. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to the indoor decoration, try not to move in, if you want to move in, indoor formaldehyde is needed, so as to avoid indoor inhalation of formaldehyde, and fetal abdomen and their own impact.
  Indoor formaldehyde sensitizes pregnant women
  The harm of formaldehyde to human body is initially manifested on the skin surface. The more common phenomena are allergic dermatitis, stains, skin necrosis and so on. These phenomena are the harm of formaldehyde to the skin. If the indoor formaldehyde content is too high and inhaled by human body, it will cause human bronchial asthma. Pregnant women suffer from bronchial asthma in particular, which may have an impact on their own health and increase the environment and risk of childbirth.
  Formaldehyde is the most prominent performance of pregnant women
  After inhaling a certain amount of formaldehyde, people will have headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, chest tightness, eye pain and so on. Serious cases will lead to palpitation, insomnia, weight loss, memory loss, nutritional nerve disorders and so on. For pregnant women will produce more serious damage, serious will also lead to fetal malformation in the uterus.
  Formaldehyde also has a mutagenic effect on pregnant women
  High concentration formaldehyde is a genotoxic substance. During the experiment, animals exposed to high concentration of formaldehyde for a long time can induce nasopharyngeal tumors. Therefore, pregnant women in daily life should pay attention to formaldehyde not only cause nasopharyngeal cancer of pregnant women, but also lead to fetal abdominal variation.
  Through the introduction of indoor formaldehyde, I believe you already know the harm of indoor formaldehyde to pregnant women, so it is necessary to remove formaldehyde indoors after decoration.