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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-04-24 10:35:04    浏览次数:0
  After the new house is decorated, the formaldehyde content of indoor paint, coating, adhesive and furniture is often higher. In order to remove formaldehyde, many people place so-called "super absorbent" activated carbon at home. But at the same time, there are rumors on the Internet that the adsorption capacity of bamboo charcoal and activated carbon to formaldehyde is low, and even formaldehyde can be released. A lot of people have a question: is activated carbon really useful? This question, a small answer.
  Activated carbon is also called activated carbon black, including coal, bamboo charcoal, coconut shell, fruit shell and other inner diameter pores. Its application field and adsorption of pollutants are different. Generally speaking, activated carbon has the following uses:
  In addition to sewage, anti mildew, indoor sterilization, indoor environmental protection detoxification. Many friends will buy some activated carbon through various ways when decorating the house, and want to treat the indoor air including formaldehyde by absorbing the activated carbon. In fact, the adsorption effect of activated carbon is relatively limited, it can only absorb the harmful gases volatilized in the air in the free state, and can not remove the pollution source, it is good to use it to solve the problem of mild formaldehyde, bedroom pollution is more serious, its adsorption effect is not obvious. One of the characteristics of activated carbon is that it is easy to absorb and saturate. Although it can be reused after taking out a sun, the adsorption capacity of the reused activated carbon will be greatly reduced, so it needs to be replaced regularly. At the same time, when the temperature and pressure change or close to saturation, secondary precipitation occurs, causing more serious pollution. In conclusion, the activated carbon has the following five characteristics:
  1. Activated carbon is a molecular sieve, and its internal pores can absorb various substances including formaldehyde. (it can absorb formaldehyde)
  2. The price of activated carbon is very cheap. No IQ tax is required. To give full play to the unit effect of kg, please buy a small package of activated carbon to absorb formaldehyde. (volume effect)
  3. As for the regeneration of activated carbon, you can't regenerate the activated carbon by yourself. The sun, water and even the oven can't achieve the effect of industrial regeneration. Activated carbon is not expensive. Please buy a new one. (cheap, but not renewable)
  4. 活性炭不应作为去除甲醛的主要方法(更好与其他方法一起使用来去除甲醛)
  4. Activated carbon should not be used as the main method to remove formaldehyde (it is better to use it together with other methods to remove formaldehyde)
  5. The decoration should be based on window ventilation, and activated carbon can be used for dead angle treatment.
  Therefore, the promotion of activated carbon has a strong ability to remove formaldehyde, which is exaggerated by businesses. A few bags of activated carbon can solve indoor formaldehyde pollution, so magical things will not happen. Using activated carbon to remove formaldehyde can only cure the symptoms, not the root cause. It can only solve the problem of small space for slight formaldehyde exceeding the standard. If we rely too much on activated carbon, it may cause adverse consequences.