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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-01-18 11:15:50    浏览次数:0
  After decoration, formaldehyde is the main indoor pollution gas, which is also very harmful and has strong carcinogenic and carcinogenic effects. Because formaldehyde has strong adhesion and insect proof function, a large number of materials containing formaldehyde are used as adhesives for poor decoration and furniture. Formaldehyde is also often used for interior wall coating, paint, filler and house insulation layer, with a release period of 3-15 years. Therefore, the family must prevent formaldehyde from polluting the indoor air.
  在济南室内空气检测发现,样品家中甲醛浓度已超过0.5mg/ m3。根据相关统计分析,当室内甲醛浓度为0.06~0.07mg/ m3时,儿童可产生轻微哮喘。当室内甲醛含量为0.1mg/ m3时,会有刺鼻的气味和不适的感觉;当达到0.5mg/ m3时,刺激眼睛流泪。高达0.6mg/ m3会导致咽喉不适或疼痛。浓度较高时,可引起恶心呕吐,咳嗽胸闷,有很严重会肺水肿;在30mg/ m3,它是立即致命的。
  It was found in Jinan indoor air testing center that the highest formaldehyde concentration in the sample home had exceeded 0.5mg/m3. According to the relevant statistical analysis, when the indoor formaldehyde concentration is 0.06 ~ 0.07mg/m3, children can produce mild asthma. When the indoor formaldehyde content is 0.1mg/m3, there will be pungent smell and uncomfortable feeling; when it reaches 0.5mg/m3, it will stimulate eyes to cry. Up to 0.6mg/m3 can cause throat discomfort or pain. When the concentration is high, it can cause nausea and vomiting, cough and chest tightness, and has very serious pulmonary edema; at 30mg / m3, it is immediately fatal.
  At present, the proportion of indoor air pollution in consumer complaints is increasing year by year, and the number of consumers who complain about home decoration ranks the top three. Now consumers are more and more aware of the right protection of products. According to the authoritative survey, 22% of consumers have found a special formaldehyde removing institution in Meilin of Jinan for air quality inspection.
  The above is the importance of formaldehyde removal issued by Jinan formaldehyde removal company. If you have any demand for this, you can click our official website for consultation: http://www.kqjczl.cn