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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-12-20 15:48:41    浏览次数:0
  After the decoration, facing the problem of formaldehyde pollution, many owners actually find it very troublesome. They have always been upset. You say that it takes so long to remove formaldehyde by ventilation. Formaldehyde has always exceeded the standard and there is no way to move in. In fact, there is still a point that we have ignored when removing formaldehyde.
  When we have finished decorating our new house, we buy other soft decoration parts at the same time and air them to remove formaldehyde. Every time we buy soft decoration, we wait until there is no smell at home, and then we are ready to live in.
  However, in all indoor air pollutants of Xinjia, namely formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and TVOC, benzene is a kind of hydrocarbon, a sweet colorless and transparent liquid at room temperature, with strong aromatic odor. TVOC has irritant and special odor, which is easy to cause sharp damage to human body. When decorating indoors, it is mainly paint, coating and adhesive It emits TVOC, while formaldehyde comes from glass glue, latex paint, putty powder, artificial board, etc. formaldehyde is colorless and tasteless, unless it exceeds the standard seriously and has a pungent feeling. Benzene and TVOC have peculiar smell.
  So some owners are very strange. It's been ventilating for several months. When they move in, they don't smell any smell. Why does formaldehyde still exceed the standard? It's because we often think that if there's smell, there's formaldehyde. If there's no smell, formaldehyde doesn't exceed the standard. This idea is wrong. If there's no smell, formaldehyde may exceed the standard.
  After the new house is decorated, formaldehyde pollution should be removed. Ventilation can only be combined with other methods to remove formaldehyde. First, ventilation does not solve the problem of formaldehyde source, which is easy to repeat. Second, ventilation takes a very long time, and the effect is not stable.
  The above is about "most people ignore this point in formaldehyde removal". If you have any questions about whether or how to remove formaldehyde, you can click our official website for consultation: http://www.kqjczl.cn