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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-11-04 15:52:21    浏览次数:0
Chinese people pay more attention to houses. In addition to the school district, location, floor and house type, the second thing we should pay attention to is our decoration. Decoration is an important part of buying a house. However, many people do not turn their home into a warm harbor after finishing the decoration. Instead, they make the house that they have worked hard to buy for half a life into a formaldehyde house, and the common problems are only Pay attention to the beautiful decoration of the house, ignore the indoor air quality, hard to buy a new house in the end is a formaldehyde house or a warm harbor only in a moment.

As we pay more and more attention to interior decoration, indoor decoration pollution has become very common. As early as in the 2006 government work report, our goal is to let the people breathe fresh air and have a better working and living environment. In view of formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene and TVOC caused by decoration pollution, the Consumer Association of China has issued consumer association warnings for several times in succession, reminding consumers to pay attention to pollution prevention during decoration, and encourage everyone to carry out indoor formaldehyde detection before moving in. If there is excessive, it should be treated in time.
According to statistics, the annual death toll of formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful gases from indoor environmental pollution reaches 110000. Childhood leukemia is also increasing day by day. Indoor decoration pollution has been listed as the first carcinogen. For the health of family members, especially children, we should improve the awareness of formaldehyde and other indoor decoration pollution, understand formaldehyde, and treat formaldehyde rationally and scientifically, so that your new house can become a real warm harbor. Keep away from the formaldehyde house, improve the national formaldehyde detection consciousness, and pay attention to the indoor air quality detection.