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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-12-25 11:15:43    浏览次数:0
  It is believed that in addition to formaldehyde, many people may choose ventilation. In a word, air purchase is only a matter of time. Let's not say that it's wrong not to be able to ventilate formaldehyde, but ventilation should also pay attention to methods. Especially in our daily life, ventilation is also very important. Proper and effective ventilation formaldehyde exceeds the standard, that is, there is no such problem. Why ventilation has no effect except formaldehyde Need technology.
  Ventilation should also be frequent. It is believed that everyone will keep the indoor ventilation environment, even before checking in at the window one day, but there is a special time. This is whether we have enough ventilation time in summer and winter, because air conditioning can be turned on in summer and heating can be turned on in winter, which is often an open day. There is no advantage. Even if it is reheated and cold, good ventilation time and frequency should be kept In the early and middle stages, 20 minutes each time, open air conditioning and heating can also keep the indoor air fresh and clean.
  2. 不要太早或太晚。清晨,太阳还没有完全升起,植物还没有完全进行光合作用,到了深夜,室外的新鲜空气已经用完。两个时间点的室外空气状况都不理想,不宜过早或过晚通风。
  2. Don't be too early or too late. In the early morning, the sun has not yet risen completely, and plants have not yet fully carried out photosynthesis. At midnight, the outdoor fresh air has been used up. The outdoor air condition at both time points is not ideal, so it is not suitable to ventilate too early or too late.
  3. Don't open the window in rainy or haze days. First of all, the air flow is not good in rainy days, and the pollutants in the windows cannot be discharged. On the contrary, some of the pollution in the outdoor air will be brought by rainwater together because of the condensation of water vapor.
  4. 做饭时一定要打开窗户。这是一个非常关键的问题,因为当烹饪是我们日常生活中产生非常多的空气污染,这必须打开窗户,当然现在很多家庭都会在厨房里安装一个排气扇,在浪费时间的时候,这是一个非常聪明的做法。
  4. Be sure to open the window when cooking. This is a very critical issue, because when cooking is a very serious air pollution in our daily life, we have to open the window. Of course, many families will install an exhaust fan in the kitchen now, which is a very smart way to do when wasting time.
  5. 加强对流。室内通风的效果取决于气流是好的,当我们通风时,我们不仅要打开窗户,房间门都开着,加强对流的效果更好,还可以打开几大球迷加强流,去除室内空气污染物甲醛和其他的效果会更明显。
  5. Strengthen convection. The effect of indoor ventilation depends on the air flow is good. When we ventilate, we not only need to open the windows and the doors of the room are open, so the effect of strengthening convection is better, but also can open several fans to strengthen the flow. The effect of removing formaldehyde and other indoor air pollutants will be more obvious.
  The above is about "ventilation formaldehyde no effect?"? If you have any questions about whether or how to remove formaldehyde, please click the official website for consultation: http://www.kqjczl.cn