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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-11-25 16:30:34    浏览次数:0
  What are the performance of decoration pollution? How to remove the decoration pollution? How to enter safely? You are concerned about these indoor air health problems, indoor air governance experts can answer for you!
  Warning! Formaldehyde may exceed the standard when these conditions occur in your home
  1. 家中通风不良
  1. Poor ventilation at home
  Regular window ventilation helps to reduce the degree of indoor air pollution and purify formaldehyde in the home. But some families have poor ventilation conditions, even if the doors and windows are opened, the indoor air cannot be circulated. This kind of environment very easily causes the pollutant in the air to breed, formaldehyde can be more and more, if before did not have science to remove formaldehyde to manage, so the formaldehyde in the home will certainly exceed the standard.
  2. 你的植物会无缘无故地枯萎变黄
  2. Your plants will wither and turn yellow for no reason
  Formaldehyde gas can poison plants, but when the indoor formaldehyde concentration is urgent, there is no excessive formaldehyde in plant metabolism, which will lead to the phenomenon of yellow leaves, hair withering and withering. If there is such a situation at home, formaldehyde must exceed the standard seriously, we need to carry out aldehyde removal immediately.
  3. Family members feel ill for no reason, and their skin is itchy and red
  People and plants are the same. If you inhale too much formaldehyde, it will seriously affect the human body's resistance, causing cold, fever and other symptoms.
  Moreover, formaldehyde has a great stimulation, which can directly stimulate the respiratory tract and eyes of the human body, and make people have uncomfortable symptoms of voice, eyes and nose. Formaldehyde can also stimulate the skin, but the skin does not have respiratory tract, so it is relatively sensitive to glasses, which will cause skin itching, red spots and other symptoms. If have above circumstance, formaldehyde content in the home affirms serious exceed the standard, must not move, especially have pregnant woman or baby in the home, examine management hurriedly.
  4. 家里有强烈的气味
  4. Strong smell at home
  Home decoration will produce formaldehyde, benzene and TVOC, which are generally associated. Benzene series and TVOC have peculiar smell, so when the peculiar smell is very big, the formaldehyde content also exceeds the standard.
  5. 家里的家具太多了,堆得密密麻麻的
  5. There are too many furniture in the house. It's piled up tightly
  Furniture, floor and other wood are the main sources of formaldehyde pollution in families. Furniture is used too much in the home, density is high very easily make indoor formaldehyde content exceeds standard. Especially density board, joinery board, plywood is formaldehyde content is very high, must not use or reduce use. Formaldehyde can volatilize continuously for 15 years, so when choosing furniture and floor board, it is better to choose solid wood board, then E1 and E0 grade board.