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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-09-18 14:51:16    浏览次数:0
  There are many misunderstandings in formaldehyde treatment. I hope the following article can help you to come to the misunderstanding of formaldehyde treatment in Jinan.
  1. 植物吸收甲醛:室内甲醛超标,需要摆放上千株植物,连续照明可以起到一定的效果。晚上天黑时,它还会吐出二氧化碳和吸收氧气。
  1. Plants absorb formaldehyde: indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard, need to put thousands of plants, continuous lighting can play a certain role. It also emits carbon dioxide and absorbs oxygen at night.
  2. 竹活性炭去除甲醛的机理是用活性炭吸附甲醛。但这种方法不能分解甲醛,只能暂时捕捉。当室温升高,吸附饱和时,甲醛会再次释放,形成二次污染。
  2. The removal mechanism of formaldehyde by bamboo activated carbon is that formaldehyde is adsorbed by activated carbon. But this method can not decompose formaldehyde, only temporarily capture. When the room temperature rises and the adsorption is saturated, formaldehyde will be released again, resulting in secondary pollution.
  3. Ventilation formaldehyde removal: formaldehyde proportion is larger than air, easy to precipitate, even window ventilation formaldehyde is still difficult to remove.
  Fumigation vinegar except formaldehyde: Vinegar is an acidic substance that can slightly neutralize ammonia in the air, but does not react with harmful components such as formaldehyde.
  5. 菠萝柚皮茶梗除甲醛外:菠萝柚皮茶梗会挥发自身的香气,起到遮盖气味的作用,而且没有一点分解。
  5. In addition to formaldehyde, pineapple pomelo peel tea stalk volatilizes its own aroma, plays a role in covering the odor, and does not decompose at all.
  6. 臭氧发生器:臭氧只能在人体不接触的环境下进行,作为室内空气净化显然是不合适的。
  6. Ozone generator: Ozone disinfection can only be carried out in a non-contact environment. It is obviously inappropriate as indoor air purification.
  7. 空气净化器除甲醛:空气净化器不能释放甲醛,只能去除室内现有空气中的甲醛。
  7. Air purifier for formaldehyde removal: Air purifier can not release formaldehyde, can only remove formaldehyde in the existing indoor air.
  Jinan formaldehyde treatment is a long-term work, not a matter of overnight, I hope you can understand. If you have air detection and treatment requirements, you can click on our official website of Jinan Forman Company: http://www.kqjczl.cn consultation, we will serve you wholeheartedly!