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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-07-10 17:21:38    浏览次数:0
To carry out indoor formaldehyde detection, then there are some things you must know or understand before formaldehyde detection. It's like this:
Jinan formaldehyde removal company
1、检查时间:民用建筑工程应在装修工程完工少七天以后、工程使用前进行;对个人装修家庭建议装修工程完工后一个月以后、 全部家具完全到位一星期以后进行检测。
1. Inspection time: civil construction projects should be carried out at least seven days after the completion of the decoration works and before the use of the project; for individual decoration families, it is suggested that the inspection should be carried out one month after the completion of decoration works and one week after all furniture is fully in place.
2. Attention should be paid in the sealing process and testing process: do not carry out activities that affect the test results, such as smoking and using gas stoves.
3. In the process of detection: clean up and do not pile up the residual paint, paint, plate, etc.
4. Before the personnel enter the testing environment: you should ask the testing personnel to show the corresponding professional qualification certificate, and verify whether the photo on the certificate is his or her own, otherwise you can refuse the testing personnel.
5、检测人员和其他人员:不得超过 3人,尽量减少人员活动对检测的影响。
5. Testing personnel and other personnel: no more than 3 people, try to reduce the impact of personnel activities on the test.