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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-02-10 12:07:27    浏览次数:0
According to a five-year survey conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air pollution in many families is extremely high, which is several to dozens of times higher than outdoor air pollution. The China Health Education Association has also published a report that summer is a time of high incidence of allergies, and indoor air pollution is four to five times higher than outdoor air pollution. So, what factors lead to indoor air pollution in summer more serious than outdoor?
On March 1, the indoor air quality standard implemented in China listed indoor biological pollution, chemical pollution and radioactive pollution as the three major indoor environmental pollutants.
First of all, we should pay special attention to chemical pollution in summer. In life, people often encounter such a puzzle: after several years of decoration, the pollution is still not exhausted, and you can smell the pungent smell in summer. Zhang Ren, Secretary General of the Residential Decoration Committee of China Building Decoration Association, told reporters that the release cycle of formaldehyde and other chemical pollutants from decoration and furniture is long, up to several years or even 20 to 30 years. In summer, due to the high temperature and humidity, the release rate of pollutants will be accelerated. If the doors and windows are closed for a long time, the pollutants will not spread effectively. In the long run, family members may be dizzy, nauseous, coughing, and even breathing difficulties. Secondly, humid and hot environment also increases the probability of biological pollution.
According to a survey in Canada, 21% of indoor air quality problems are caused by microbial pollution, mainly including bacteria, fungi, pollen, viruses, etc., which may cause respiratory diseases such as allergies and asthma. Thirdly, all kinds of household appliances aggravate indoor PM2.5 pollution. According to the data from Beijing centers for Disease Control and prevention, indoor smoking can increase PM2.5 by 12 times. If there are cooking and other human activities, the PM2.5 concentration will increase greatly. Zhang Ren said that in summer, household appliances such as indoor air conditioning and air purifier will be opened for a long time. If they are not cleaned regularly, they will not only absorb the particles on the filter screen, but also spread them to the whole room, aggravating the pollution. 