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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-12-30 11:39:45    浏览次数:0
  Indoor formaldehyde pollution has been a headache. It will not only release abnormal smell, but also have different physical discomfort reactions when staying in such an environment, especially the impact on respiratory tract and nervous system. It is said that the ventilation effect of opening windows is good, but only one deletion needs to be combined with formaldehyde, and the effect of mutual use is better, but in addition to what formaldehyde plants should do What about it?
  1. 选择植物种类
  1. Select plant species
  The plant species removing formaldehyde, such as the common green plants, except the formaldehyde tiger orchid, the pineapple, the Chlorophytum, the aloe, the bamboo curvature spine and the Ivy, all have an obvious common point is that they are easy to survive in the shade, more suitable for indoor decoration and air purification. Before cultivating plants, they are very important to choose easy to grow plants.
  2. 不要浇太多水
  2. Don't pour too much water
  Although indoor plants need some water, but not too much water, especially formaldehyde in the indoor air contains a lot of materials, because formaldehyde dissolves in water to form new substances, which is our common formalin. If there is too much water, the leaves and roots will be soaked by formalin, causing the loss of plant roots.
  3. Proper sunlight
  Although these indoor plants do not need too much sunlight to survive, but a proper amount of sunlight can improve their survival rate, and make them release harmful substances absorbed in the room, reducing the secondary leakage of pollution gas.
  4. 观察绿色植物
  4. Observe green plants
  In addition to formaldehyde plants can absorb and purify formaldehyde, formaldehyde substances can also damage plants, but they will damage cell structure and roots, so it is often necessary to comply with green plants. If a yellow leaf green plant is confused or even dies, it may be that the formaldehyde content is too high, so plants can not absorb it.
  5. 小心虫子
  5. Be careful of insects
  What green plants people are most afraid of is outdated, so we must do a good job in insect proof measures to avoid the situation that factory people seem to be outdated in production. Although indoor bonsai is not easy to encounter the outdated situation, summer is the outdated period, and we also need to pay attention to it.