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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-11-18 15:16:46    浏览次数:0
  In recent years, formaldehyde hazards are frequent. People talk about formaldehyde. Does formaldehyde smell? What is the way to completely remove formaldehyde? How to avoid formaldehyde pollution damage decoration has become a hot issue. About the method of thoroughly removing formaldehyde, how to avoid the pollution damage of decoration, the network search is a great driving force, small edition will not repeat here, today we first discuss whether formaldehyde has taste.
  What is formaldehyde? Formaldehyde has no taste
  甲醛和化学物质HCHO或CHO以气体的形式存在时是无色的,对人的眼睛和鼻子等有影响。当室内甲醛浓度达到0.06-0.07mg /m时,儿童可能出现轻度哮喘。当室内甲醛浓度达到0.5 mg/m时,会影响眼睛,导致流泪。严格地说,甲醛是没有气味的,但它对人的眼睛和鼻子有影响。因此,判断室内空气中是否含有甲醛是不科学的。
  Formaldehyde and chemical HCHO or Cho are colorless when they exist in the form of gas, which have influence on human eyes and nose. When the indoor formaldehyde concentration reaches 0.06-0.07mg/m, children may have mild asthma. When the indoor formaldehyde concentration reaches 0.5 mg / m, it will affect the eyes and cause tears. Strictly speaking, formaldehyde has no smell, but it has an effect on people's eyes and nose. Therefore, it is unscientific to judge whether formaldehyde is contained in indoor air.
  However, building materials used for decoration, painting, wood-based panel furniture, wallpaper and flooring may contain formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene, VOC and other harmful gases. Simple wood-based panel furniture is made of wood processing scrap metal (sawdust and sawdust) and chemical adhesive, which is now widely used.
  Many chemical adhesives contain benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, methanol, styrene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and other harmful substances. In particular, the boiling point of formaldehyde is 19 ℃, formaldehyde is a kind of evaporation material, which is one of the main causes of indoor formaldehyde pollution.
  New houses and new houses have an unpleasant smell, which is usually mixed with paint, corner pieces and various chemical adhesives, and poses a threat to environmental pollution and human health.
  Reduce the risk of indoor decoration pollution:
  1. 根据相关室内装饰材料,室内装饰造成的主要空气污染是有害的灰尘颗粒、油漆腻子粉和人造板家具造成的有害化学气体污染。从源头上减少室内装饰污染。
  1. According to relevant interior decoration materials, the main air pollution caused by interior decoration is harmful dust particles, paint putty powder and harmful chemical gas pollution caused by wood-based panel furniture. Reduce indoor decoration pollution from the source.
  步骤 2。坚持的室内通风能有效室内空气污染物。
  Step 2. Adhering to excellent indoor ventilation can effectively eliminate indoor air pollutants.
  3. Air purification equipment. After the renovation of the new house, the air using purification equipment may not be purified. However, considering the long-term volatilization of formaldehyde (3-10 years), the air purifier can effectively avoid the harm of low concentration formaldehyde.
  How long can the house innovate to avoid formaldehyde pollution?
  In general, ventilation after reconstruction should be maintained for more than 2 years. For safety reasons, it is recommended that eligible families have air quality tests before entering a new home.