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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-08-21 14:23:30    浏览次数:0
  Recently, according to media exposure, a kindergarten in Jinan started classes 10 days after decoration. The kindergarten owners hid themselves outside. The teachers stayed outside when they did not have classes, but let the children in the classroom. The reporter went into the classroom and smelled a distinct choking odor. After the incident was exposed, Jinan Health Supervision Institute commissioned a professional air testing unit in Jinan to test the indoor air quality of kindergartens.
  结果:四个房间中有三个房间的挥发性有机化合物总量超标,高达到3.2 mg/m3,是可接受水平的四倍多。甲醛和苯均在标准范围内。四个房间的甲醛值分别为:0.05、0.06、0.07。苯:0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09甲醛标准为0.10 mg/立方米苯标准为0.11 mg/立方米。从济南空气检测单位检测报告数据看,甲醛、苯均为标准,TVOC超标。
  RESULTS: The total VOCs in three of the four rooms exceeded the standard, up to 3.2 mg/m3, more than four times the acceptable level. Formaldehyde and benzene are within the national standards. The formaldehyde values of the four rooms were 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07, respectively. Benzene: 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09 Formaldehyde national standard is 0.10 mg/cubic meter benzene national standard is 0.11 mg/cubic meter. According to the report data of Jinan Air Detection Unit, formaldehyde and benzene are all standard, and TVOC exceeds the standard.
  TVOC has toxicity and irritation, which affects the function of central nervous system and can cause the disorder of immune level. Indoor TVOC exceeded the standard, showing dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, chest tightness, headache, loss of appetite, nausea and so on. In severe cases, it can even damage the liver and hematopoietic system. TVOC is one of the three organic pollutants in the atmosphere, mainly from various coatings, adhesives and artificial materials. Its composition is very complex, usually including benzene trichloroethylene, naphthalene, trichloromethane, diisocyanate and so on.
  Jinan air detection device has dual environmental protection. Jinan kindergartens, various training courses for children, intellectual development schools are increasing year by year, and even have similar school districts. But the early founders only enrolled students openly in class for profit. After decoration, indoor decoration polluted air has no effective emission. Many founders are unwilling to pay for it. Professional companies in addition to formaldehyde in air purification. Children in learning rooms where harmful gases such as formaldehyde exceed the standard will do harm to their health. It also advocates that schools and parents should pay attention to indoor air and children's health.