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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-12-07 15:20:01    浏览次数:0
Indoor decoration pollution formaldehyde is a difficult problem to solve, formaldehyde is generally difficult to find, which is why formaldehyde can cause chronic poisoning, once found the consequences are very serious. We can only judge whether the indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard through the odor, so whether the formaldehyde has the odor? Let's follow the manufacturer of Jinan formaldehyde removal company to understand it.
Formaldehyde is a gas that irritates the eyes and nose of the human body. When formaldehyde concentration reaches 0.06-0.07 mg / m per cubic meter, children will suffer from mild asthma; when formaldehyde in indoor air reaches 0.1 mg / m, there will be peculiar smell and discomfort; when formaldehyde reaches 0.5 mg / M? When can it stimulate eyes and cause tears; when formaldehyde reaches 0.6 mg / M? It will cause throat discomfort or pain. High concentration can cause nausea and vomiting, cough, chest tightness, asthma and even pulmonary edema; formaldehyde up to 30mg / M? Can lead to immediate death. It can be seen that when the indoor formaldehyde content reaches 0.1mg/m, we can smell a unique smell.
But I don't know that we haven't found out. In fact, we can easily adapt to the indoor environment. If you forget to open the window before going to work, the indoor smell will go home. Don't open the window for a period of time to adapt to this situation. Indoor decoration pollution is also a problem. You can stay indoors for a long time without smelling.
Formaldehyde exceeding the standard varies from person to person. Some people's smell is more sensitive, and it is easy to smell the peculiar smell, while some people's smell is not sensitive and it is difficult to smell the peculiar smell. Formaldehyde is more than twice the standard. In fact, ordinary people can hardly smell the peculiar smell, but this does not mean that the indoor environment is safe. In the past, it will cause harm to the health of the body.
The volatilization time of formaldehyde is as long as 15 years. We can't feel the stimulation of formaldehyde every moment. After the indoor decoration, we should calculate the ventilation for half a year. We also suggest that we should do a comprehensive indoor air management to put an end to the harm of formaldehyde and give ourselves and our families a guarantee.
The above is the relevant content organized by Jinan formaldehyde company. If you want to know more, please visit the website: http://www.kqjczl.cn
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