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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-06-09 18:54:36    浏览次数:0
大家在装修新居时会使用到各种材料,这些材料里面或多或少含有一些对人体还害的物质,比如说甲醛、苯等等。为了起见,不少业主在入住前都会做个甲醛检测,以便衡量室内的污染程度。甲醛的检测标准是0.08mg/m3 每平米 0.08MG ,如果家里的甲醛浓度超过了这个标准的话,那么就需要采取一些措施来使新房去甲醛了。那么新房装修后怎样除甲醛呢?
When we decorate the new house, we will use all kinds of materials. These materials contain more or less harmful substances to human body, such as formaldehyde, benzene and so on. For the sake of safety, many owners will do a formaldehyde test before moving in, so as to measure the degree of indoor pollution. The national detection standard of formaldehyde is 0.08mg/m3 0.08mg/m2. If the formaldehyde concentration in the home exceeds this standard, then some measures should be taken to remove formaldehyde from the new house. So how to get rid of formaldehyde after new house decoration?
New house formaldehyde removal I
There are many ways to get rid of formaldehyde in new houses. For example, some owners will put several basins of saltwater in the houses. This method is to make use of the fact that formaldehyde is soluble in water, so as to preliminarily absorb a lot of pungent smell in the room.
New house formaldehyde II
Many people will open the doors and windows to ventilate after the new house is decorated. This is because formaldehyde is a volatile gas. Opening the doors and windows can let formaldehyde and other harmful substances out of the room, so that they can be kept for about 2 months. But this method should pay attention to closing the doors and windows at night to avoid theft.
New house formaldehyde 3
It is worth noting that formaldehyde is a kind of gas that volatilizes very slowly. If you want to remove most formaldehyde in a short time, the best way is to increase the indoor temperature as much as possible. You can turn on the air conditioner for a proper amount of time to raise the indoor temperature to speed up the volatilization of formaldehyde.
New house formaldehyde 4
If you want to remove formaldehyde quickly, you can also take physical adsorption method, for example, put more active carbon indoors. It is suggested that 50 g of active carbon per square meter can play a good role in formaldehyde adsorption. It is worth noting that the replacement of activated carbon should be paid attention to, generally 7-8 months. In addition, you can use other things with the function of formaldehyde adsorption, such as tea water, salt water, grapefruit peel, onion slices, pineapple pieces, white vinegar, etc.
New house formaldehyde 5
In addition, we can also plant some flowers and grass indoors, which can not only play the role of greening the new house, but also play the role of formaldehyde removal. According to scientific experiments, many green plants, such as Chlorophytum, cactus, tiger tail orchid, iron tree, chrysanthemum and so on, have strong absorption capacity for formaldehyde.
以上就是关于新房装修后怎样除甲醛以及五种更有效的新房去甲醛方法的相关分享,给大家做个参考!值得注意的是:就算家里气味不重,也更好通风三个月左右再入住哦!如果大家还有更多的相关问题,欢迎继续关注  ttp://www.kqjczl.cn
The above is about how to remove formaldehyde after new house decoration and the five most effective methods to remove formaldehyde in new house, for your reference! It's worth noting that: even if the smell is not heavy at home, it's better to ventilate for three months or so before entering! If you have more related problems, please continue to pay attention to them ttp://www.kqjczl.cn