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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-03-30 14:06:40    浏览次数:0
  Our living environment is full of formaldehyde, but for the phenomenon that formaldehyde exceeds the standard, many people may not be able to judge specifically. When removing formaldehyde and formaldehyde exceeding the standard, there may be some misunderstandings.
  (1) Does the leukaemia that lives in formaldehyde environment for a long time must exceed the standard?
  Chongqing photocatalyst: in addition to formaldehyde, through existing medical research, it is found that if a person is in the formaldehyde environment for a long time, it does not necessarily lead to leukemia, but according to a large number of case studies of leukemia patients, a large number of patients, due to the white blood disease caused in recent years, new house decoration, excessive formaldehyde may only lead to the main causes of leukemia patients, But there is no evidence that leukemia must cause formaldehyde to exceed the standard, so if formaldehyde can cause leukemia, then workers working in houses or furniture factories for a long time will be hospitalized because of leukemia, but this is not the case.
  Chongqing formaldehyde test: formaldehyde in our life exceeds the standard? Do you have the wrong idea?
  (2) Does the smell of the new house exceed the formaldehyde standard?
  Many couples say their new house smells bad. Formaldehyde is actually a colorless and tasteless gas. They are just a stimulus. Traditionally, formaldehyde is a relatively rich aromatic gas, so although it is harmful, it volatilizes quickly. Generally speaking, the house should be restored for about half a year after decoration, which may lead to serious pollution, depending on the slow release stage of formaldehyde. The slow release period can last for more than 10 years, so in this case, the next damage is very easy to be ignored, indoor formaldehyde has no taste of course, maybe choose a professional organization for a test.
  (3) Choose environmental protection to decorate furniture, there should be no formaldehyde in the home, right?
  Chongqing indoor formaldehyde treatment: in order to avoid formaldehyde, many people can basically choose environmental protection materials when buying furniture. In fact, even if the furniture is made of environmental protection materials, there will be formaldehyde at home. Because formaldehyde basically exists in the paste, so in this case, do not ignore the subsequent harm of formaldehyde.