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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-12-09 14:18:55    浏览次数:0
  "When the children get married, our old couple will live on their own, buy a smaller house and live next to the children, but they will not interfere with each other's lives and take a close look at the children.
  This is the most popular idea among the new generation of grandparents to be. More and more people are putting it into practice, buying a new home for their children and a small house for themselves.
  In order to save money for their children's marriage and home decoration, ordinary parents will be very accommodative. They don't pay attention to the decoration and purchase of their own houses. They don't pay attention to the quality of building materials and furniture. The price is their only measure.
  And this generation of parents' health awareness is very weak, they don't pay attention to the harm of indoor decoration pollution at all, and generally renovate immediately. No matter how children explain the harm of decoration pollution, such as formaldehyde, their thoughts are still decorated although sometimes they will pass, formaldehyde is an old man who seizes such a loophole and endangers health.
  As early as 2004, the World Health Organization announced "formaldehyde causes cancer". At present, more than 80% of the new buildings in China exceed the standard of formaldehyde, which has the greatest impact on the elderly, children, pregnant women and pregnant couples. Especially for the elderly, formaldehyde is easy to induce various diseases of their physiological system.
  The harm of formaldehyde to the health of the aged
  1. 老年人常患某些长期疾病和慢性疾病综合征。被甲醛毒害后,往往误认为是更初症状的出现,从而延长和加重了甲醛等污染物的中毒。
  1. The elderly often suffer from some long-term diseases and chronic disease syndrome. After being poisoned by formaldehyde, it is often mistaken for the appearance of initial symptoms, thus prolonging and aggravating the poisoning of formaldehyde and other pollutants.
  2. 老年人的活动能力下降,他们倾向于在室内活动。室内空气质量对其影响较大。
  2. The activity ability of the elderly is decreased, and they tend to move indoors. Indoor air quality has a great influence on it.
  3. The old people's physical function and toxic reaction ability to formaldehyde and other pollutants decreased. Once the body appears toxic symptoms, the situation is very serious.
  4. 老年人肺部的自我清洁和保护功能下降,随着呼吸进入体内的甲醛释放时间延长,更多的甲醛会进入血浆并沉积在肺泡中,直接毒害人体内脏。
  4. The self-cleaning and protective functions of the lungs of the elderly decrease. With the prolonged release time of formaldehyde entering the body, more formaldehyde will enter the plasma and deposit in the alveoli, which will directly poison the internal organs of the human body.
  Harm so big, can say parents still don't care how to do?
  Xiaobian suggested that we could arrange a short trip for mom and Dad, and then contact us for indoor air management to give our parents a healthy and aldehyde free home.