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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-10-24 13:20:09    浏览次数:0
  On September 30, the National Meteorological Center issued the first yellow haze warning in the second half of this year. According to the National Meteorological Center, from the evening of the 30th to the 1st, the meteorological conditions of air pollution in most areas of North China reached level 4, and in some areas reached level 5, which is not conducive to the diffusion of pollutants in the air. In Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, the east of Shanxi, the northwest of Shandong, Guanzhong of Shaanxi and the north of Henan, there are moderate hazes in most areas, and severe hazes in some areas.
  As soon as the news came out, friends concerned about environmental health began to take preventive measures. Masks and air purifiers are available, but many friends don't know that in addition to the serious impact of haze on our life and health, there are hidden dangers in our home:
  1. Chemical factors, formaldehyde, benzene, radon, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other harmful gases released by decoration materials are harmful to respiratory tract.
  2. Coal contains a lot of inorganic pollutants such as fluorine and arsenic. Combustion can pollute indoor air and food. Inhalation or ingestion can cause fluorosis or arsenic poisoning.
  3. Lampblack and cooking lampblack not only hinder general health, but also contain pathogenic mutation.
  4. 房间不干净,容易滋生敏感的微生物。室内主要过敏原是真菌和尘螨。它可以引起哮喘或荨麻疹。
  4. The room is not clean and easy to breed sensitive microorganisms. The main indoor allergens are fungi and dust mites. It can cause asthma or hives.
  5. 臭氧(O3)是由室内设备如复印机和静电除尘器产生的。它是一种强氧化剂。对呼吸道有促进作用,尤其会损伤肺泡。
  5. Ozone (O3) is produced by indoor equipment such as copiers and electrostatic precipitators. It is a strong oxidant. It can promote respiratory tract, especially damage alveoli.
  7. 使用电器产生电磁辐射。高水平的辐射还会导致头晕、流涎、虚弱和失忆。
  7. Use electrical appliances to generate electromagnetic radiation. High levels of radiation can also cause dizziness, salivation, weakness and amnesia.
  8. Dust, combustion particles, droplets and other pollutants combine with light ions in indoor air to form heavy ions. The former can only stay for one minute in the polluted air, while the latter can stay for one hour, which enhances the negative effects of positive ions: headache, upset, fatigue, increased blood pressure, listlessness, decreased attention, decreased work ability, insomnia, etc.
  9. Once the indoor volatile harmful factors are exposed to the air, they will cause harm to their emissions.
  10. 材料。一些水泥、砖、石灰等建筑材料中的原材料,本身就含有放射性的镭。释放到室内空气中,进入人体呼吸道,是肺癌的原因之一。
  10. Materials. Some raw materials in building materials such as cement, brick and lime contain radioactive radium. It is one of the causes of lung cancer to release into indoor air and enter human respiratory tract.
  12. 建筑材料中含有石棉,石棉会产生石棉纤维。石棉可引起肺癌,以及胸部、腹膜间皮瘤。
  12. Building materials contain asbestos, which can produce asbestos fibers. Asbestos can cause lung cancer and mesothelioma of the chest and peritoneum.
  13. Decoration supplies and decoration. The commonly used floor covering, floor tile, chemical fiber carpet, plastic wallpaper and thermal insulation materials will damage the liver, kidney, bone marrow, blood, respiratory system, nervous system and immune system, and some will even cause sensitization and cancer.
  14. 生活和办公用品。例如,化妆品、洗涤剂、去污剂、剂、农药、纺织品、油墨、油漆、染料、涂料等都散发出甲醛等各种挥发性有机化合物,表面活性剂等。这些会通过呼吸道和皮肤影响身体。
  14. Living and office supplies. For example, cosmetics, detergents, detergents, disinfectants, pesticides, textiles, inks, paints, dyes, coatings, etc. all emit various volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde, surfactants, etc. These can affect the body through the respiratory tract and skin.