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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-09-19 16:15:32    浏览次数:0
  Can formaldehyde test live up to the standard? Of course, you can check in, but there is one thing, depending on how you test, your test method is normal.
  Let's take a look at some common tests that can be used for crop reference.
  The formaldehyde detection is up to standard and viable
  Commonly used detection methods in the market:
  There are all kinds of self-test boxes on the market. It is a self-test product that reflects formaldehyde content by color reaction. However, products exposed to air are vulnerable to external influence, poor anti-interference ability and inaccurate test results.
  II. Various hand-held detectors on the market. At least hundreds of pieces are inexpensive, there are no more accurate detection instruments, but it is too expensive, thousands of sports, ordinary people and ordinary companies will not spend money to buy, and the outside probes are easy to affect, affecting the accuracy of test results.
  3. Multi-in-one detector. It looks professional, but it's cheap. Such devices can manually change test data. If a test company uses such a test device, its test report can be largely suspected.
  4. Imported formaldehyde detector. Most of them can only detect one kind of data (formaldehyde).
  5. 空气净化器和新风系统的检测器。空气净化器和新风系统用于替代室内空气和通风。内置的探测器只是商家为了迎合消费者而增加的一项功能,其中大部分都是不准确的。
  5. Detectors for air purifiers and fresh air systems. Air purifiers and fresh air systems are used to replace indoor air and ventilation. Built-in detectors are just one additional feature that businesses add to cater to consumers, most of which are inaccurate.
  Regular and authoritative testing institutions. Only after the National Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision has filed the record, can the CMA authoritative test report be issued for the formal authority of the testing institution. Testing items are complete and reports with legal benefits of CMA testing can be issued.