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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-06-06 10:14:40    浏览次数:0
With the improvement of people's living standards, there are higher requirements for the quality of life. Formaldehyde has always been an important factor affecting people's home environment. We can often see some reports that formaldehyde exceeds the standard on TV or Internet, so formaldehyde must be removed as soon as possible. So, what's the most effective way to do it indoors? In fact, many people are not unfamiliar with the method of formaldehyde removal, or even can say the right thing. If the formaldehyde of the new house exceeds the standard after decoration, what will you do? Do you plan to use the traditional window ventilation mode for a period of time, or will you choose a professional company for scientific management in addition to formaldehyde company? Before answering this question, we must first remove formaldehyde. What's the purpose of this work? That is to say, let the family move in earlier after the decoration of the new house, and won't be disturbed by formaldehyde and other harmful gases in later life. But what's the effect besides formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde removal ventilation is probably the most commonly used method for many people. Formaldehyde in building materials is released into the air. As the windows are opened and ventilated, formaldehyde in the room will be released to the outside. However, it takes a long time to open windows for ventilation. It is impractical to open windows for ventilation for a long time in northern winter. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve formaldehyde removal by ventilation alone.
Now that we have defined the purpose of formaldehyde removal, we need a set of scientific and effective formaldehyde control methods to make the air quality of our new home reach the standard quickly before moving in. This requires a comparison between ventilation and professional formaldehyde removal options to see which is more ideal. As the name implies, window ventilation is to dilute the free formaldehyde released by the pollution source in time, discharge it to the outdoor through air circulation, and then continuously introduce the outdoor fresh air to keep the indoor air quality fresh.
看来通风仍然是倾听的好方法。它的优点是经济和方便。毕竟,打开一扇窗不需要太多的努力。  但是如果你使用这种方法,你必须考虑一个问题,那就是,你是否能在一年中的每都保持良好的通风,以及在遇到恶劣的天气条件如风、雨等时该怎么办。室内空气质量还能保持高质量吗?在一个短篇故事中,没有必要对答案多说。我们可以在日常生活中找到答案。
It seems that ventilation is still a good way to listen. Its biggest advantage is economy and convenience. After all, it doesn't take much effort to open a window. But if you use this method, you have to consider whether you can keep good ventilation every day of the year, and what to do in case of severe weather conditions such as wind, rain, etc. Can indoor air quality still maintain high quality? In a short story, there is no need to say more about the answers. We can find the answer in our daily life.
What is the effect of planting green plants and using activated carbon? It can be said that these methods will play a certain role in formaldehyde adsorption, but only adsorption, can not fundamentally decompose and eliminate formaldehyde, so the harm of formaldehyde still exists. In addition, the release period of formaldehyde is up to 3-15 years. If we only use activated carbon for adsorption, we can not fundamentally eliminate the harm of formaldehyde to health.
So what about choosing a professional organization for formaldehyde treatment? First of all, the construction project is completely free from the influence of external environmental factors. The biggest difference is that it does not rely on physical methods, but uses the technical principles of decomposition and catalysis to solidify indoor formaldehyde. What we need to know is that formaldehyde removal can not only remove the free formaldehyde in the air, but also accurately find the pollution sources hidden in furniture and some key parts. Only by solving the pollutants in these places can we effectively control the emission of formaldehyde and other harmful gases. Professional formaldehyde removal companies can do this, rely on efficient formaldehyde removal products and advanced construction technology to eliminate the root cause of almost no dead angle, and achieve the goal of rapid indoor air quality standards.
To sum up, indoor formaldehyde removal needs to find more professional and effective methods. The so-called professional people do professional things, in addition to formaldehyde far less simple than we think. For formaldehyde, a special substance, we should take more targeted treatment methods according to its physical and chemical properties. Therefore, the most effective way of indoor formaldehyde removal is to use professional formaldehyde removal process and professional drugs and equipment, which will be more effective.