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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-03-11 14:47:15    浏览次数:0
  The significance of air purification is very great, because the current air quality is getting worse and worse, which affects our health. Air purification can purify harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses in the air; Air purifier mainly plays the role of purifying indoor air, can effectively prevent the emergence of respiratory diseases, fresh air can make our mood more pleasant, and can effectively improve the indoor environment. The following small edition will introduce the knowledge of air purification and air purifier.
  1. 空气净化是否重要?空气净化的意义是非常大的。目前,在我们的生活中,空气质量可以说是越来越差。而对于空气净化来说,可以说是非常必要的。
  1. Is air purification important? Air purification is of great significance. At present, in our life, the air quality is getting worse and worse. For air purification, it is very necessary.
  2. Air purification can purify bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances in the air, and let us live in a relatively healthy environment, which is very good for our health. To a certain extent, it can deal with the impurities in the air to achieve the purification effect; on the other hand, air purification can achieve the effect of circulating air. So, to some extent, air purification is meaningful.
  3. The air purification after the decoration of the new house is infinitely enlarged, because the toxic gases such as formaldehyde and benzene in the indoor air after the decoration of the new house are usually hundreds of times. It is believed that you and your family live in a space full of toxic gases for a long time, and your family will cause physical injury. From the above we can understand the significance of air purification is very important.
  1. 有效预防呼吸道疾病或重大疾病
  1. Effective prevention of respiratory diseases or major diseases
  Although formaldehyde superscalar is not high, but long-term exposure to this environment, it is easy to affect the respiratory tract and reduce the resistance of the respiratory tract. What's more shocking is that the mother of the child has had an abortion.
  2. 让人们感觉更好
  2. Make people feel better
  许多人认为只要室内没有可见的污染物,室内空气就不会对健康产生影响,其实这是一种错误的认识。室内空气污染物高达数十甚数百种,大部分的肉眼不可见的,比如更常见的PM2.5, PM2.5是只有二十分之一的大小的头发,完全是很难用肉眼看到的,所以不认为无形的等于没有室内污染物。
  Many people think that as long as there are no visible indoor pollutants, indoor air will not have an impact on health, in fact, this is a wrong understanding. There are dozens or even hundreds of indoor air pollutants, most of which are invisible to the naked eye, such as the most common PM2.5, PM2.5, which is only one twentieth of the size of hair, which is completely difficult to see with the naked eye, so it is not considered that invisible is equal to no indoor pollutants.
  A lot of people stay indoors for a long time, will have chest distress, dizziness and brain swelling, and feel good in the fresh environment. In fact, this has a certain relationship with indoor subtle pollutants. The high-quality air purifier can not only remove the particles, but also remove the fresh air in the room to achieve the ideal purification effect. Even if you stay indoors for a long time, you will not feel too dull.
  3. Prevent the recurrence of respiratory diseases
  At present, the number of people suffering from rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma in China may reach hundreds of millions. If the air purifier is opened for a long time, it can improve the indoor environment, reduce the allergen entering the respiratory tract, and ensure to reduce the recurrence of indoor respiratory tract disease.
  The above is about the significance of air purification and air purifier needs to be purchased. I hope the above content can help you!