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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-09-20 15:23:01    浏览次数:0
  Modern people in the office is very long, often more than eight hours, the use of today's office decorative wood-based panels materials, such as particleboard, density board, plywood, etc., office decoration is difficult to idle for a long time, so it contains formaldehyde and other pollutants easily cause discomfort personnel, office in addition to formaldehyde is imminent.
  At present, there are several main methods to remove formaldehyde in office.
  1. 光催化:除了甲醛光催化在光的照射下,会产生类似光合作用的光催化反应,产生氧化能力强的自由羟基和活性氧,具有很强的光氧化还原功能,可氧化分解各种有机化合物和部分无机物,具有极强的、除臭、防霉、防污自洁和净化空气的功能。
  1. Photocatalysis: In addition to the photocatalytic reaction of formaldehyde under the irradiation of light, it will produce photosynthesis-like photocatalytic reaction, producing free hydroxyl and reactive oxygen species with strong oxidizing ability. It has strong photocatalytic redox function, and can oxidize and decompose various organic compounds and some inorganic substances. It has strong sterilization, deodorization, mildew prevention, pollution prevention and self-cleaning. The function of purifying air.
  2. 活性炭:在标准条件下,甲醛分子的自由运动速度约为每秒450米,甲醛分子与其他分子碰撞速度为每秒109次。此时,如果碰撞分子的直径与活性炭的孔隙相匹配,则吸附。但是活性炭的吸附能力有限,没有分解功能,所以不添加甲醛处方。
  2. Activated carbon: Under standard conditions, the free movement speed of formaldehyde molecule is about 450 meters per second, and the collision speed of formaldehyde molecule with other molecule is 109 times per second. At this point, if the diameter of the colliding molecule matches the pore size of the activated carbon, the adsorption will occur. However, activated carbon has limited adsorption capacity and no decomposition function, so it does not add formaldehyde prescription.
  3. Air purifier: Air purifier treats formaldehyde by releasing indoor pollution. Its advantage is that it is clean and efficient, but it can not completely remove office formaldehyde. In addition, the air purifier is a parameter tested in a specific environment. In actual use, the purification rate is far lower than the propaganda of manufacturers.