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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-07-19 10:33:03    浏览次数:0
  If you decorate a house, most people will choose environmentally friendly decoration materials, so as to ensure the quality of interior decoration, if family life, will also be more comfortable. But the question of how long can we live after decoration is of course a matter of concern to many people. Many people are not very clear about this problem, how to manage decoration pollution, and we know the details specifically for these.
  1、房子装修后能住多久,没有统一的标准,也没有统一的标准。有的说半个月的时间,有的说一个月可以,有的说少要三个月才能去,有近30%的人认为必须超过半年。其实风房时间的长短是根据污染源来决定的,不能使时间一刀切。事实上,人们对新房的谨慎态度并非没有道理。High -light8211提醒我们,她的一个朋友在房子刚装修完不久就搬进来了,因为结婚的时间很紧。有些老人搬进刚装修好的新房后,胸部发闷、咽炎等疾病并发。
  1. How long can a house live after decoration? There is no unified standard and there is no unified standard. Some say half a month, some say one month is OK, others say it takes at least three months to go, and nearly 30% think it must be more than half a year. In fact, the length of the wind chamber time is determined by the source of pollution, can not make all the time. In fact, people's cautious attitude towards new houses is not unreasonable. High-light 8211 reminds us that a friend of hers moved in shortly after the house was renovated because the time for marriage was tight. Some old people move into newly decorated new houses and suffer from chest tightness, pharyngitis and other diseases.
  2. 装修后需要多长时间才能活下来?一位只做室内环境治理的说,“假如没有经过任何处理的新房装修,一年的晾晒时间也不长”。平时请了一些管理公司的技术人员也回答关。他们解释说,一般新装修的房子里检测,非凡是夏天做检测,结果是家家户户的房子甲醛含量超标,(我国标准《居室空气中甲醛的卫生标准》规定:室内空气中甲醛的允许浓度为0。08毫克/立方米,超过检入会对人体有害),大部分新房的甲醛含量超过规定的标准2—3倍,有的甚超过20多倍。
  2. How long will it take to survive after decoration? An expert who only does indoor environmental management said, "If there is no new house decoration after any treatment, one year's drying time is not long." Usually, some technicians of the management company are invited to answer the questions. They explained that the detection of formaldehyde in newly decorated houses in general, especially in summer, results in that the formaldehyde content in the houses of every household exceeds the standard. (China's national standard "Hygienic standard of formaldehyde in indoor air" stipulates that the permissible concentration of formaldehyde in indoor air is 0. 08 mg/cubic meters, more than the check-in will be harmful to the human body. The formaldehyde content of most new houses exceeds the national standard by 2-3 times, and some even more than 20 times.
  How to deal with decoration pollution?
  1. Current marketing methods, some use green plants and bamboo charcoal to take medicine; some people open North and south windows for natural ventilation; some require professional environmental management companies to do comprehensive management. These practices have almost become necessary procedures for home renovation before moving into a new house. Greetings are those owners who believe that management can guarantee admission. In the view of professionals, these single governance has its limitations.
  2. Plant adsorption is the most environmentally friendly method, but plants have their own shortcomings. Aloe, green radish and other plants have limited adsorption function. It is impossible to put two pots of plants together with a set of household lights to absorb toxic gases in furniture. This is roughly the same as air conditioning cooling principle. Trial 1. Can a five-piece air conditioner cool 60 square metres of space? Obviously, this has no effect. The same is true of plants, where the role of nature is beyond their capabilities. So don't expect several plants to absorb poisonous gases in every room of the house. To kill poison, we must know the effective adsorption area of each factory. Who can not spare the room to absorb the whole plant, so the method of using plants to absorb harmful substances is only suitable in the small room. The limitation of bamboo charcoal is similar to that of plants. It will be saturated when absorbed to a certain extent. It needs irregular sunshine.
  When decorating houses, we must pay attention to the selection of environmentally friendly decoration materials, so as to ensure the quality of interior decoration. Above is an introduction about how long you can live and how to control pollution in decoration and decoration. I hope everyone can come to decorate the room with some help. Decoration is a tricky thing. Decoration time will pay attention to the details of decoration. Don't choose some inferior decoration materials in order to save money.