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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2019-12-13 11:42:50    浏览次数:0
  Indoor air pollution, after decoration, there are more and more peculiar smell in the house, which can't be tolerated. Many companies, such as Jinan lijiekang Jinan indoor air pollution treatment company, have professional services to detect indoor air quality. First of all, consumers should understand the specific items of indoor air testing. And the relevant standards involved in this process.
  1.  GB / T18883-2002 《室内空气质量标准》,适用于房子使用后,尤其是家具搬入后的空气检测。检测参数包括二氧化硫、二氧化碳、氨、臭氧、甲醛、苯、氡、二甲苯等。影响室内空气的的因素有很多,包括装饰用的板材、油漆、黏合剂、地板、墙纸、石材、家具等。
  1. GB / t18883-2002 "indoor air quality standard" is applicable to the air detection after the house is used, especially after the furniture is moved in. Detection parameters include sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, ozone, formaldehyde, benzene, radon, xylene, etc. There are many factors that affect indoor air, including decorative board, paint, adhesive, floor, wallpaper, stone, furniture, etc.
  2. GB18584-2001 《室内装饰装修材料有害物质限量木家具》标准,适用于检测家具游离甲醛释放量是否在限量m g / L ≤1.5 的规定之内。家具甲醛释放量检测是一种破坏性的检测,用切割家具中的一块材料,在规定的24h干燥器法试验后测得甲醛释放量。正规的检测一般需要5-10 个工作日,才能出具报告。
  2. GB18584-2001 wood furniture with limit of harmful substances for interior decoration materials is applicable to test whether the free formaldehyde emission of furniture is within the limit of m g / L ≤ 1.5. Formaldehyde emission detection of furniture is a kind of destructive detection. A piece of material in furniture is cut and formaldehyde emission is measured after the specified 24h dryer test. Formal testing usually takes 5-10 working days before a report can be issued.
  3.GB50325-2001 《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》,适用于没有使用前对装饰材料所带来的污染检测。
  3. GB50325-2001 code for indoor environmental pollution control of civil building engineering is applicable to the pollution detection of decorative materials before use.
  Now the most familiar indoor pollutant is formaldehyde. There are many companies and methods to remove formaldehyde in Jinan. There are many methods and vague standards. Consumers should learn some relevant standards and knowledge by themselves.
  More information can be found on the official website http://www.kqjczl.cn